Tuesday, 20 March 2012

A toxic relationship!!!

Toxic is a strong and harsh word don't you think? At what was a very polite and more often than not amiable Planning Committee meeting this day Ward 4's Sam Merulla used that harsh word to described the ongoing problems at the City Motor Hotel on Queenston Rd a story I'm sure most of you are aware of. From prostitution to drug deals to a recent public shooting incident with police calls every day, Merulla is pushing for an amendment to city bylaws that would place hotels and motels in the same category as bed and breakfast businesses currently covered. The motion was unanimously received and you should watch for it on the March 28th City Council agenda.
As well that evening keep an eye out for mention of this issue regarding sub licensing of taxi cabs. Representatives from the cab industry went before planning to ask that bylaw enforcement of what is an illegal action be stepped up or else there would be dire consequences for the cab industry in this town. When city legal staff were asked for input they advised that they had tried a prosecution under the existing bylaw and won the case only to lose on appeal. The reason, the current wording is "antiquated" and needs revising. Those revisions will be back before council before the end of the year.
Also before planning this day a proposal to expand the development at 401 Rymal East and 1620 Upper Wentworth better known as the Village of Wentworth Heights. There had been some design concerns that have been favourably resolved between staff, the developer and Councillor Scott Duvall who attended committee to explain his approval of the revised plans. This expansion is worth 60 million dollars with the committee voting unanimously to accept. As I mentioned this meeting was civil and business like with next up the General Issues Committee tomorrow morning at 9.30am.

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