Tuesday, 27 March 2012

This is no tempest in a tea pot!

This notion that people are sick to death of the Peggy Chapman affair is plain wrong. Every where I go people ask, "what's up with the Mayor?". Even for those people who would rather talk about anything else than a significant pay increase for the Mayor's Executive Assistant here's why this story needs to be seen out to it's conclusion hopefully tomorrow night, and why it's important for our city.
Number one, I think everyone would agree that upon further review back in December the Mayor in his efforts to lay blame elsewhere for a 33 per cent pay increase or 30 thousand dollars for Ms Chapman gave himself a black eye. This was a self inflicted punch to the face. His office leaked the amount and when people began asking questions he tried to suggest that Human Resources approached him about a review of the EAs pay. That was patently false and when staff called him on it, he backed down and admitted he instigated the review and then made the decision. It really wasn't about the money, it was more about the Mayor once a little bit of heat was applied to the front burner trying to slide away and blame someone else. When council heard the details they called the Mayor to task which is point two of this discussion. In January thoroughly upset that the integrity of a department and it's senior manager had been tarnished by the Mayor's original stance council threatened to censure him at that point in time. Behind closed doors for several hours the Mayor argued back and forth with councillors asking them to look beyond the process to the money he was saving in his department. He finally accepted the will of council and admitted to them he had done wrong and he apologised. Some two months later after going off the deep end over a cartoon in the editorial pages of the Spectator the Mayor went ballistic in an email he assumed wouldn't be released by the managing editors of the local daily. Naive or what? If you've read the email you know how vitriolic it was, claiming the daily was out to get him and his family. This episode number two erupted not only because of the cartoon but because of the imminent publishing of the "sunshine list" across all of Ontario from Provincial to Municipal and Health Care executives we by law were about to learn who made over 1 hundred thousand dollars. Peggy Chapman's name was going to be on the list because she cashed in vacation time pushing her from 90 thousand bucks to just over 1 hundred thousand dollars. Rumours had been swirling and thus the Spectator's Andrew Dreschel picked up the phone and asked the Mayor to comment. Not only did he comment he spilled the exact beans which the Spectator did not have until that point in time. Thus the e mail to the Spec which published on a Wednesday just before the next GIC meeting (General Issues Committee). At that meeting Councillor Sam Merulla who had read Dreschels column where the e mail was printed for the first time put forward a notice of motion of censure because in that e mail the Mayor once again reiterated that he had not been the one to promote a pay raise for Chapman in the first place. Wow. The reaction, the body language as the ramifications began to dawn on Councillors was an amazing sight to see.
The ramifications were clear, the Mayor had back tracked from the apology he had given only two months before. Censure was on again. Censure indeed will take place tomorrow evening but beyond censure what can council collectively do to punish the Mayor who by the way went on an email rampage over the weekend sending nasty notes including some filthy language to those he perceives most want to take him down a notch. The buzz is all over the city about what the Mayor was saying in those emails which began this past Friday evening. This afternoon in camera, council discussed a personnel matter. I have no doubt they concluded exactly what their collective approach will be tomorrow evening and I can assure you that from two sources I have spoken to, they have the votes to censure this Mayor.
So what are the ramifications in detail?
The Mayor, Bob Bratina on two occasions has not told the whole truth and nothing but the truth on the process regarding the pay increase.
He has privately and publicly now either forgotten his apology (I'm being nice here) or with a huge streak of stubbornness has decided to revoke his apology to his council colleagues.
He has recently and privately attacked select members of council for daring to challenge and/or punish him for his attitudes.
He has unilaterally demanded that senior staff, those who could possibly have known what names were on the sunshine list to sign sworn affidavits that they in fact did not leak information that was going to be public within a week of leaking. He can not do this and nor can any other individual member of council. Only through a vote at council can such an action proceed legally.
He has dug himself a hole that he is not apparently prepared to climb out of.
What are the ramifications for the city of Hamilton? Across the country people have a certain perception of Hamilton don't they? This will reinforce that won't it?

When council censures the Mayor tomorrow evening and the news makes it's way across the nation people will say, "take a look at this, there goes Hamilton again". "They couldn't get the Pan Am stadium right and damn near lost the Ticats now their Mayor is getting spanked in public". It isn't going to look good and that's a fact, but here's the good news. Despite the antics of this Mayor this city is on the move. Wherever I go I see new development, new initiatives, new ideas and new blood pushing this city forward. We not only have  turned a corner we are pressing the pedal to the medal on a number of economic fronts. Rest assured, from what I have seen of this council there are more than enough leaders and qualified people who won't let this city tumble off the tracks

1 comment:

  1. Sick to death of that issue. Tivial compared to AEROTROPOLIS.
