Crack! Most of us jumped six inches. You're out of order sir! No you're out of order! You are out of order councillor, crack again. Oh boy we've got two very angry men going at it. Finally silenced Ward 10's Loyd Ferguson after the second use of the gavel by Deputy Mayor of the month Brad Clark half rising out of his chair wanted to know if Clark wanted him to come over and use the gavel on Clark's head. Ferguson then saying I've had enough of you, picked up his budget documents and left the General Issues Committee meeting not to return. This followed an angry confrontation between Clark and Councillor Terry Whitehead their third in two meetings. Is there something in the drinking water at the hall? Is this information overload during the budget session that is bringing on the heated exchanges? Don't know, but although it was entertaining for the media I do know this, today's lack of decorum has tongues wagging and social media buzzing. Clark at the end of today's session calmly explained why he had to bang the gavel so hard. What couldn't be explained however was the abruptness of the confrontation seemingly out of nowhere. Councillor Clark by the way will be my guest on "For the Record, Council Edition" next Thursday at 5pm on Cable 14.
Couple more GIC notes from today with the first revolving around a request from the Pan Am games organising committee who have asked communities if there is any interest in hosting some baseball and softball games in 2015. This was brought forward by Mayor Bob Bratina. Immediately glasses were tinkled. First up Ward 1's Brian McHattie who suggested he wanted nothing further to do with the Pan Am organisers after their handling of the Velodrome and stadium files. Ward 5's Chad Collins suggested that if the Pan Am people wanted to rent Bernie Arbour stadium for a couple of weeks then they should get in line with the rest of community to do so. Tom Jackson from Ward 6 suggested if there is one extra dollar of impact on the community he would not be supportive. Ward 8's Terry Whitehead on the other hand pointed out that the city does have recreational needs and so at the very least should listen to what the Organising Committee has to say for the needs may align with the proposal. Staff will get back with a report. Speaking of staff many thanks were expressed for the hard work they have done on getting budgets down. Currently the operating budget sits at a 1.4 per cent increase but again several councillors said they were not prepared to sign off on the budget at next week's city council meeting without further attempts to get the budget under 1 per cent. Last year for example it came in at .8 per cent. The next budget session is set for March the 6th.
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