The Hamilton Farmers Market is once again in the spotlight. An amended motion to conduct a feasibility study on privatising the management of the Market including whether the current manager's position should be broken into several positions passed unanimously today at the General Issues Committee meeting which had listening to the budget presentation of the Community Services Department under which the Market falls. Citing continuous concerns from stall holders and anecdotal concerns that attendance is down at the newly reopened Market dominated today's discussion. Ward 5 Councillor Chad Collins put forward the motion suggesting this for profit business should be privatised for the benefit of everyone. Ward 8's Terry Whitehead agreeing suggesting governments never do a good job in the market place. Most passionately Ward 6 Councillor Tom Jackson opined that even after a six million dollar infrastructure investment "it isn't clicking on all cylinders" that the Market is "an enigma". Although he did not vote against the motion Ward 1's Brian McHattie suggested that over time the Market in it's present City Managed format will right itself and make money. He said the Market is still in a transition phase, that "people don't like change" so lets give it some time.
One unfortunate by product of this debate may be a lost promotion. A new manager for the market was to start the job next week. Most councillors believed that although it is public knowledge who is going to get the job the position itself should be put in abeyance until the review is carried out and council determines which route it will take in the future. Community Services Manager Joe-Anne Priel gets to handle that one.
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